NoWayOut Page 3
The King nodded his dismissal when the Healer confirmed Ramj’s statement.
“So why have you brought him here?”
“As proof that my assignment has ended.”
“By no fault of your own?”
Ramj shrugged, “How was I to know about the human’s predilections or heart problems.”
“I’m sure it was there in his intelligence brief, if you’d made time to absorb it.”
“And who would train the men?”
“Train them for what? There hasn’t been a need for the warrior class in centuries.”
The old argument raised Ramj’s ire as he was sure was his brother’s intent.
“Perhaps it’s because we have such a well-trained army that none would dare risk a confrontation.” The Gaelin/Fae War of 1700 was the last conflict that requiring the guard and was over almost before it began. Once bitter enemies Gaelin and Fae now co-existed peacefully with other magical beings. The alliance of the Order was made of Fae, Gaelin, Nymphs, Leprechauns, Ogres and several other magical creations who inhabited both upper and lower earth. The Order was formed in the early 1800’s handling mainly magical affairs. It wasn’t until human interest moved towards serious weapons of mass destruction that the Order began to pay closer attention to the non-magical species.
The bombing of Hiroshima and accident at Chernobyl propelled them into involvement in human affairs or risk leaving the fate of the earth to mankind.
“Or perhaps the sensibility of diplomacy prevails. Face it little brother, warriors are an obsolete caste. It’s time you found a new role within the Order.”
“And you think being an Intercessor will suit me.” The control he’d tried to maintain was rapidly fading. He should have seen it coming, but never thought Tul would seriously entertain what the stodgy Elder Body of the Order advised.
“If you open your mind to the possibility, yes.”
Ramj didn’t care to continue the subject in such a public forum.
“What do you want to do with the human?”
“We’ll keep him here, on ice, until your assignment is done.”
The younger twin’s eyes narrowed, “What do you mean until the assignment’s done. The man is dead there’s not much else to be done.”
“And was the assignment to assassinate him?”
King or not his brother was purposefully trying his patience.
“The assignment was to have Konstantine procure weapons from Alexi Habalov and hand them over to our operatives within the UN. But obviously it can’t be done now since the man is dead.”
“It looks like you did get soak in some intel after all.”
Ramj neither confirmed nor denied. He’d only done a partial absorption, as was his habit since being volun-told for the role.
“You should take his place.”
“You’re a master at the art of cloaking. I’m sure it will be nothing for you to take this man’s form. He looks close enough to our height and build, it would be child’s play for you.”
Ramj snorted, Tul would choose that moment to extend a compliment.
“Sweet talking doesn’t suit you brother.”
“Somehow I doubt ordering would get us much further, but I can do if you’d prefer.”
Despite Ramj’s opinion Tul was still King and he’d pledged his loyalty to him long ago.
“Do you really feel this is necessary?”
“I do.”
“Alright.” He bent to pick up the lifeless human body. “I’ll take him to cryo and finish this mission as you wish, but I’ll not be as agreeable about disbanding my warriors.”
“Then we have much to discuss on your return.”
Indeed they did and for the first time in their relationship it was not a fight Ramj looked forward to.
The Gaelin, Yan Rasa, was Ramj’s UN contact. Like many of his species he was a tall wiry fellow standing about an inch above Ramj. Although his features were softer it was a mere deception; Gaelin’s were every bit as dangerous and Fae.
“It’s good to see you Commander Oloff.”
The man had greeted as they met at their appointed spot the previous evening. A bustling coffeehouse wasn’t exactly an ideal place, but as himself there was no way anyone could connect him with Konstantin. Tul was correct in saying he and Konstantin were of a similar build, both being 6’4” and broader in upper body. Although Konstantin’s form was more heavily packed with muscles honed from years of training. Ramj was surprised at Konstantin’s physical form but learned he was just as addicted to the endorphin rush from exercise as he was to his physical drug habit. Their bone structure was also very close, with some exceptions in flaws. Where Konstantin’s nose was slightly bent from being broken, Ramj’s was straight. Years of healthy living and strict exercise made him look much more youthful than his 150 years. By human standards he could pass for a man in his early thirties, not quite so with Konstantin. His own hair was the color of coal and hung to the top of his shoulders, while Konstantin’s was slightly shorter and less vibrant. Although their silver gray eye coloring was similar Ramj’s was silver with distinct flecks of blue which would appear peculiar to humans.
“Please call me Ramj.”
“All Right, Ramj.”
“How are they treating you in your new position?”
“Good Commander…Sir… I mean Ramj.” Yan cleared his throat before starting again. “There is a new development that will require your assistance.”
Ramj’s jaw tensed. Would the surprises never end with this assignment?
“There’s a woman, Tiffany Sinclair. She’s a reporter who’s been in deep cover posing as a housekeeper.”
“Come again?” Of all the asinine things to do.
“Apparently she’s after a different story than the one in your assignment. Alexi and his partner Enrique Cortez are heavily responsible for supplying cocaine in the western States. Her story could put them away for life.”
“Does she know about the weapons?”
“Not yet, but it’s only a matter of time.”
Ramj cursed under his breath.
“Does Habalov or Cortez know who she is?”
“Thankfully not, but there’s been a few... um slip ups.”
“Slip ups?”
“Yeah, her editor contacted the Drug Enforcement Agency a few months back. He gave them tips in exchange for the story’s exclusive once it broke.”
“What about this Sinclair lady, wouldn’t it be her story?”
“At first no one knew she existed. Apparently her editor failed to mention her when he was giving up the tips on Alexis’ activities.”
“So there’s already a case being built against Alexi?”
“Against both he and Cortez, but compared to the weapons, the drugs are secondary.”
“If the DEA has them under surveillance for the drugs why haven’t they brought them in?”
“Luck mostly. The bastards must be part Leprechaun. Steve, her editor, promised another tip and we were sure we could get them or at least Cortez, but he never delivered the goods. That’s when the weasel finally confessed his information came from an insider.”
“Tiffany Sinclair?”
Yan nodded.
“Does he know how much danger he’s put her in by talking to the DEA?”
“Frankly I doubt he cares, if she were a fatality it would just cut out the middle man and he could claim all the glory when the time came.”
“Where is this human now?”
“A safe distance away.”
“Still no word from Sinclair?”
“No, but I took the liberty of doing my own surveillance and she’s okay, nothing seems out of place.”
“Maybe she caught wind of Steve’s slips.”
“Perhaps, but we need to get her out of there quick before suspicion turns in her direction.”
Yan reached into the inner pocket of his blazer and pulled out a photo.
/> “This is the subject.”
If Ramj had been prepared for it maybe his body’s immediate reaction would have been different, although he sorely doubted it. She was beautiful. Not in the classical sense of what one would describe as willowy nor the modern waif look. No, she had a definite pixish quality about her. The picture caught her as she and another woman loaded groceries into a waiting car. He’d zoomed in enough for Ramj to make out every detail of her soft face, from round laughing eyes to the slight dimple on one cheek as she spoke, long brown hair was tossed by the wind away from her face, as if God himself wanted to make sure her features were perfectly captured. An indescribable possessiveness took hold of him and his original assignment was temporarily forgotten. At that point his priorities changed and he knew he had to get her out of Alexi’s reach by any means necessary.
Chapter Four
“I must say I’m a bit surprised to see you didn’t join me sooner.” Alexi began as Ramj settled into the wing-backed chair opposite him.
“Oh?” He watched with displeasure as the man picked up an oval shaped platter; he reached in his shirt pocket for a small square shaped plastic bag packed with a white substance. Ramj recognized the drug immediately as his host dumped a generous amount on the platter before resealing the bag and dropping it in his pocket.
“When you sent Alicia back I was sure you weren’t in the mood for any distraction.”
“I managed to occupy my time nicely.”
Alexi’s attempt at sounding surprised was weak at best.
“Indeed.” He watched tightlipped as Alexi chopped and made three neat white lines with the aid of a letter opener that he licked clean with on drag of his tongue.
Ramj shook his head at the offered platter.
“Excuse me friend, I forgot you don’t like to mix business and pleasure,” Alexi apologized but eyed the platter longingly before asking, “But you won’t mind if I partake do you?”
“Suit yourself.”
Alexi gave a broad smile before his head dipped. It took less than five seconds for him to snort the three lines. When he finally sat back in his own chair he had the decency to look composed and ready to talk shop.
“Alicia did mention one of my housekeepers was with you.” Alexi probed, not ready to drop the subject.
Ramj took a moment to answer. “True.”
“I must say, I didn’t realize the woman was so eager to advance her position here. Normally, I wouldn’t offer one of my women without knowing she could sufficiently satisfy my associates. So I must apologize if anything was not to your liking and assure you I will personally see to her proper training. Perhaps on your next visit you’ll find her far more improved.”
Ramj was certain neither Tul nor the other members of the Order would approve of him beating the junkie to a pulp. However, he did toy with the notion of laying him flat with one good blow.
“That won’t be necessary, she’ll be coming with me when I leave in the morning.”
“With you, but I-.”
Ramj’s look effectively silenced the other man. He really did despise the human whom he felt had no redeeming qualities. He wondered what the man would do if he shifted into a wolf-grizzly hybrid or something equally frightening. He wouldn’t chance it of course; after all it was how he’d gotten into the mess to begin with. The last thing he needed was another dead person to bring back to the King.
Ramj flexed his fingers before reaching for a pen and pad that lay on the table separating them. He wrote down a figure that could effectively solve the economic woes of several second and third world nations combined. In silence he pushed the paper across the short table. Despite Alexi’s best efforts pleasure showed on his face at reading the figure.
“It looks like you have yourself a deal.”
“Good. I’ll need wiring instructions to an off shore account. The payments will be made in quarters, the first of which will be deposited tonight. The second after a visual inspection. The third after my scientist have inspected the weapons and the final upon delivery.”
“Of course. Do you mind if I ask why exactly you want these weapons. Plan on invading some developing nation?” Alexi laughed.
“I’d be happy to tell you my plans if you tell me how you were able to take possession of them?”
“Hmm, it seems we both have our secrets.”
“Yes it does,” he agreed.
Ramj didn’t worry himself much, his operatives would take control of Alexi soon after this all went down. He was certain the man would be far more talkative. The working theory was a few warheads were transported to Afghanistan during the Russian occupation and abandoned for any opportunist ambitious enough to venture into the country in a Post 9/11 environment. His payment was to secure a nuclear warhead among other dangerous missiles that could mean literal decimation.
“But you will give me a heads up should something be heading my way?”
Not bloody likely, Ramj thought but instead said, “You’ll be the first to know.”
“What?” Tiffany asked groggily, not sure why the woman in her dream continued to bother her when she’d already willed her away several times.
“The boss is waiting for you in his parlor Tiffany.”
The boss?
She shot up in bed only to find herself staring into the anxious face of a fellow co-worker. The events of last night came back to her in a rush and Tiffany glanced briefly at the empty spot next to her.
“Mr. Habalov guest is waiting with him.” The woman supplied.
“Um, right,” she answered jerking the blanket up to shield her nude form. “I’ll be right down.”
“You should hurry Mr. Habalov seems a little irritated this morning.”
Great! Had Konstantin blown her cover? How could she be so stupid as to actually fall asleep when she’d planned to sneak away under the cover of night?
Tiffany waited until the other woman closed the door behind her retreating form before swinging her legs over the side of the bed. Her words replayed in her head as she donned her skimpy housekeeping uniform, minus the stockings and shoes. She brushed fingers through shoulder length hair, which did little to help it, before leaving the room and heading in the direction of the housekeeper’s quarters. There she’d hoped to find something less revealing to put on for her impromptu meeting.
“Where are you going?” The stern voice of Alexi’s head security halted her in her tracks.
“I have to see Alexi, but I thought I’d change first.”
“No time for that, he wants you now.”
She didn’t bother to argue, there was no point. He wouldn’t take no for an answer anyway. In bare feet she padded alongside the guard. The man knocked on the closed double doors leading into Alexi’s private study. It was the same room she’d barely escaped from just yesterday evening. He urged her forward at the sound of Alexi’s answering call. Tiffany felt on edge as soon as she entered the smoky interior. The two men sat in leather winged back chairs quietly. Alexi puffed on a cigar while Konstantin’s eyes took in her appearance. A disapproving look settled over his face.
“You wanted to see me, Sir,” she began in a strong voice while trying not to translate Konstantin’s nonverbal communication.
“Yes. Have a seat.”
There were two other winged back chairs in the room, Tiffany opted on the one furthest from Konstantin.
“You know my friend Konstantin Malovich.”
Malovich? She held back her surprise. He’d said his name was Jestkov, not Malovich. As she repeated the name in her mind it struck an immediate cord. Her next breath caught in her throat and she had to remind herself to breath steadily. Konstantin Malovich was trouble with a capital T. Mr. Untouchable himself. Some said not only did he have ties to the Russian Mafia but ran so many facets of it he and his family could be its very nucleus. As well known, as his crimes were his diplomatic connections had many governments
, including their own, turning a blind eye to his numerous illegal activities.
How could he be the same man that showed her so much care the night before?
“Mr. Malovich,” she nodded in his direction after clearing her throat, although she couldn’t bring herself to make eye contact.
“No need to be so formal Tiff.”
“Of course,” she nodded again but focused her attention on Alexi who seemed the lesser of two evils, at the moment.
“I’m sorry I over slept this morning Mr. Habalov.”
“Not a problem, it’s not why I’ve called you here.”
“It’s seems as though you’ve made quite an impression on my friend.”
That got the butterflies going in the pit of her belly.
“So much so he’s asked me to release you from my employ so that you may pursue other opportunities.”
“Other opportunities?” Tiffany questioned, she could feel Konstantin’s eyes on her.
“Yes Tiff, I’d like you to join me on a trip,” Konstantin spoke up for the first time since she’d entered the room.
“I don’t know about that,” she looked nervously at her hands then between the two men.
“If you’re concerned about your mother, don’t be. I’ll make sure all of her medical expenses are covered,” Konstantin added.
Their gazes locked, his comment reminding her he knew the truth about her identity. Was he toying with her? If she didn’t agree would he unmask her right there? Had he already?
“Perhaps I should speak with Tiffany alone for a few moments,” Konstantin said at her continued silence.
“Of course,” Alexi agreed, standing to cross the room in quick strides before closing the door behind him.
“I’d like to thank you for your generous offer Mr. Malovich, but I don’t believe I know you well enough to take a trip with you.”
“I guess I should apologize for the confusion Tiff, but my offer isn’t a request.”
Her heart dropped into the pit of her stomach, and she could tell from the look in his eyes he was beyond serious.
“I’ve already decided to turn in my letter of resignation and be on my way. I’d rather put my experiences here behind me and move on with the rest of my life.”